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A well-oiled machine

A well-oiled machine

by digbyb

It's fine. All fine:

A strong majority of voters say President Donald Trump’s administration is running chaotically after Trump’s pick for veterans affairs secretary, White House physician Ronny Jackson, withdrew his name from consideration last week, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

More than 3 in 5 voters, 62 percent, say Trump’s administration is running very or somewhat chaotically — nearly twice as many as the 32 percent who say it’s running very or somewhat well.

A majority of Republicans, 68 percent, say the Trump administration is running well. But that sentiment is shared by few Democrats (9 percent) and independents (25 percent).

Moreover, the percentage of voters who see chaos in Trump’s White House has increased modestly, but steadily, in recent weeks. In early April, 61 percent of voters said the Trump administration was running chaotically. In mid-March it was 57 percent, and in early March it was 54 percent.

68% of Republicans think the Trump administration is running well. Even if you watch Fox all day you have to get a sense of the chaos. They are just cultists.


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